Workbench Screen Multitasking Benchmark (WSMB) V1.0 By Anders Persson 990402 I wrote this program to compare performance between my real Amiga and the WinUAE emulator. Processor: A600 7Mhz Graphics system: ECS Workbench screenmode: PAL:Hires 640×256 4 colours Test results: Memory (string management) 99.19531 Empty for loop: 51.01563 Long Int calculations: 43.08594 Short Int calculations: 26.69531 Float calculations: 22.14063 Text: 35.07813 Scrolling Textmass: 3.164063 Circles: 51.59375 Lines: 24.57813 Boxes: 36.60938 Filled Boxes: 13.0625 Scrolling graphics: 6.039063 Total Processor (& memory): 242.1328 Total Graphics: 170.125 Total Performance: 412.2578 The lower values, the better! (It's the amount of seconds to perform the tests)