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  CopyRights of the module (mod.forn)

(C) Copyright 1995, Anders Persson

You are free to copy this module for personal use, but not for any commersial use. But you are allowed to include this module in any public domain collection as long as nobody makes any kind of profit of that particular collection.

When you copy the module, you must include this amigaguide document and all other related files.

You are not allowed to change anything in the module or any other of the related files.

You are not allowed to record or reproduce this module in any way on any kind of media.

You are not allowed to produce any kind of covers of the melodies in the module.

If you like to include this module in a commersial production, please contact me and we can maybe reach some kind of agreement.

------------------------ These copyright notices also serves for all other of my modules (but the covers)