My name is Anders Persson, but my artist name is "Boray" which is Hebrew for "God created". (Hebrew? Well, I am christian, but I did not know this Hebrew meaning when I made up the name by taking every other letter from the Commodore Vic-20's ready prompt in 1987). Well, God created me, and I make music. I play guitars, keyboards, bass, recorders and drums. I record and mix everything myself too.

It's hard to describe your own work so I'll leave it to you to listen. But I can say one thing; My music is not just one style. If you don't like one tune, you might very well like the next one. Still, I think you can recognize my work even if it's diverse.

You will find my music on Spotify and other online music services.

History of my music making

before 1987
I made some music by bounce-recording between two casette recorders and adding a layer every time.

1987 - 1990
In addition to the casette bounce recording, I also started to use computers, Commodore 64 and Vic-20. Now I started to use the name "Boray" when making music.

1990 - 1997
I used Amiga computers and tracker programs like Protracker to "program" the music (not play it in real time) and using the Amiga computer's internal sound. In 1993 I made my first Boray web page with my "mod" music. My music also got distributed through Aminet and their CD-ROMs. Some of you old amiga users might recognize one or two of my tunes. The most famous piece is probably "Forn". Mp3s of these tunes are free to download in the 1988-1997 albums to the left.

1997 - 1999
I bought a synthesizer that I hooked up to the Amiga and started to use Octamed Soundstudio. The music is still programmed, but now the sounds comes (in first hand) from the synthesizer which meant more tracks, more possibilities as well as clean pro sounding audio. I started to make and sell CDs.

1999 - 2005
I bought a lot of expensive recording gear and instruments and started to play and record everything for real; Guitars, keys, bass and drums. Some occasional singing as well. I was using hardware digital audio workstations such as Roland VS840EX and Roland VS1680 to record. During 1999-2001 I deliberately didn't use midi to go somewhere completely different from my previous music. Later, the amiga was used more for midi again, now using Bars&Pipes pro synced to the VS1680 to record in real time. I continued to sell CDs and had plans for a professional musical career which just ended in tinnitus and hyper acusis. My peak performance during this period is probably the 25 minutes long Amzidus from 2002.

2006 - 2008
After canceling my plans of a professional music career, I decided to be less serious about everything in my music production and only make music for fun. That is actually pretty hard to do if you are a perfectionist like me, but it was necessary for me to have this in mind. I still have this in mind today: Only make music when and because you feel like it.

I moved to smaller quaters and didn't bring my amiga. Instead, I looked into using my fairly new Windows computer for music. I started by going back to basics and used a modern version of the old amiga type tracker called Renoise. I made the backgrounds in there and then added the guitars on the VS1680. After a while I bought an asio soundcard and started to use Renoise + Reaper (a software DAW) for recording audio. Eventually I skipped Renoise and moved completely to Reaper. I stopped selling physical CDs and started to sell digital albums online instead.

2010 to 2018
I now used Reaper on my Windows computer for all recording. I also started to use virtual synths, samplers and virtual guitar amp sims inside of the computer. So I moved away from a rather expensive space occupying hardware based studio to a rather inexpensive software DAW. Before, with the VS1680 I had 16 tracks of audio. During this period, a normal tune contained about 40-50 tracks. The editing became easier and there was suddenly possibilities I couldn't even dream of before. During this period, my music moved from being guitar oriented to more synth oriented and I more often also use synth as the lead instrument. The album Not a word was my very first real international release on Spotify, iTunes etc in 2012. But I think the album Polly Phony is the real peak of this period (2016).

2018 to 2022
I started buying and playing recorder flutes. I also sold my old acoustic drum set (which I hadn't been using in years) and I bought a compact digital drum set. So now you suddenly have flute as the main instrument and real drum playing again. When playing guitars, I most often use my old trusty Pod for guitar amps. This period resulted in the album Boray plays some flute. I had a theme for the album that every track should contain some flute. I didn't completely live up to this though.

2023 to present
Now, I would say my music is more of of a mix of the last 20 years or so. I still only make music for fun. I only have like 11 monthly listeners on Spotify anyway so the only real person who cares about my music is probably just me. If God wanted me to be an artist he would probably make my music more popular. Instead, another "Boray" suddenly appears on Spotify with 85.000 monthly listeners. That kind of tells me: -Anders, you are not an artist. You are a programming teacher. Don't care about being a big artist or being popular. You are small. God is big. And that is the way it should be. God is your father. He provides for you and he has given you your family and your job. Be thankful, and I am! I would probably not be happy being a star anyway. I don't need glory. Give the glory to Jesus - the king of kings. The glory belongs to him. "Boray" in hebrew means "God created" and not "Anders created".

A list of all my tunes with pictures here