Simple but powerful script language for graphical interfaces etc. A great
complement to AmigaDos scriptwriting, making launching tools etc. The
possibilities are unlimited.
Amiga program for cartoons, animated and interactive e-mails, e-mail games
and more. YAM integration and support for other mailers. But you don't need internet to
enjoy it. It's fun anyway!
When marking an
icon on the Workbench, instead of just clicking, hold the button
down for half a second, then release and a menu will appear with
choices of what to do with the selected file.
Could it be easier? Just one simple click to select the file and
open the menu at the same time, and the menu pops up at the mouse
pointer. This sure beats Toolsdeamon.
Download (145K) Readme
Do you have a problem remembering peoples birthdays?
And how many years they celebrate? I had, and that's
why I made ALM. I have used ALM
in 12 years now and I never miss a birthday any longer!
You only have to
type in the birthdays ONCE with the "ALM.Editor" as
there is only ONE year to edit. Then put and configure
"ShowALM" in your startup, and then it will run year
after year after year...
New! (May 2004) Is your Amiga too fast? Well, this program
slows down your system as much as you like. Useful
for examle for slowing down vic-emu (the Vic20 emulator) that
runs way too fast on my 68040. Download (vic-emu-tools.lha) (45K)
New! (May 2004)
A program showing information about any
CBM 8 bit file. It shows the address space the file
uses in memory and also takes an educated guess of
what the file is. (Vic20 8K plugin at block 5, C64
program, program for unexpanded Vic20 etc... It also
suggests how to load the file on vic-emu and on a
real vic or C64/128.
Now also for PC! Go there!
New! (May 2004) Includes "Slow Down" and "PRGinfo" above plus
a document of how to use vic-emulator V0.65
while avoiding all the bugs, Vicstart - A script to easily start vic-emu with
cartridge files, MakeLoCase & MakeUCase - Program to renames files to only lower or upper case letters.
Download (vic-emu-tools.lha) (45K) ReadMe
You have probably seen this kind of game before: A worm crawling around on
the screen. And the more it eats, the longer it gets. This is a game
for one or two players. It has a built in track editor.
NOTE: Does NOT work properly on 68040. Playable, but craches on exit!!!
Download (67K) Readme
(Swedish program) SimEmail är nog det absolut mest meningslösa program jag gjort,
men det är ganska kul. Det tar fram slumpgenererade meddelanden
från en slags mall som definierar ett antal ord och hur dessa
kan kombineras i olika meningar.
10 years jubilee release.
This is the screen blanker package that "Selector" emerged from.
Includes some quite cool blanker modules. All with lot of user parameters. And if
you want to write your own
blanker module in Hisoft Basic, then this blanker is clearly for you.
NOTE: Does NOT work on 68040!!! Works on 68030 and below.
A karaoke program for one of my music modules with Swedish text. It's about Star Trek.
Download (3K)
Boray Turbo Coder. A high speed encryption/decryption program in 100% assembler.
(68020+ only)
Download (134K) Readme
A GUI for GMPlay, a program that can play
midi files on an Amiga without any midi interface. The GUI was made with Selector.
Download (117K) Readme
This is a GUI for AGMSPlaySound (by Alexander G.M. Smith),
which is used to play big samples (up to 2 gigabytes) directly from
the hard disk. AGMSPlaysound is also included in this archive.
This GUI was made with Selector.
Workbench Screen Multitasking Benchmark (WSMB).
A program that measures a performance value for your
Amiga. The multitasking is NOT disabled, so it's the
true power of your amiga that is measured.
My programs are system friendly, reliable and efficient, so
don't hesitate to download! Most people doesn't realize
how much work it is to make a big program like Selector
or BorayLetter. For this purpose, I have put the program
listing of BorayLetter here!
So now you can see how it looks on the inside :-) If you
want to show your appreciation for my work, please buy
one of my music CDs!
I have
made tons of them and people seems to like them (I receive a fan mail now and then :-). My mod page is in fact the most popular section
of my homepage, even if I try to draw the attention to my music CDs instead,
the mods are still the most popular....
probably because they are free....