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 FONT <fontname> <size> [OrDefault]
 Sets the font for the window.
      Font topaz 9
 Instead of name or size, you can write "default" for the default font.
      Font default 18
 If you give the argument "OrDefault", then the default font will be used
 if the specified font not is found.

 SelectorFont can be used to request a font from the user, ex:
    defenv myfont "default"
    font [myfont]
    text "Current font:"
    text "[myfont]"
    button "Change it!" 'setenv myfont `SelectorFont [myfont]`' update
    unsetenv myfont
 Try it!
 Please note:

 Upto Selector 7.2, the program "SelecorFont" was used to set selectors
 default font by setting the env variable Selector.defaultFont. But now,
 the default font is set in ENV:selector.settings by the preferences
 script instead. If you still try to set selectors default font using
 the old env variable, this will have no effect.


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