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Other variables:
Local variables/constants:
[THIS] is the name of current loaded script file. If you want to reload
the script, you can for examle have this button:
'BUTTON Reload load "[this]"'
[PID] is the process id (or shell number). With this, you can create
unique env variable names like this:
exec 'setenv datum[pid] `date`'
text "[datum[pid]]"
unsetenv datum[pid]
[VER] is the version of selector.
[arg1] [arg2] .... [arg9] is the optional arguments passed to
selector from the command line. (Selector <script> [<arg1> ... <arg9>])
Or with the Button..load command:
(button ButtName load <script> [<arg1> ... <arg9>])
When you pass arguments to Selector, they are treated as normal
Selector strings, for example:
A script called arg.sel:
text '[arg1]'
text '[arg2]'
text '[arg3]'
Run it like this:
Selector arg.sel 'This is arg 1' "This is arg 2" 'This is "arg 3"'
Default arguments
You can use the DefArg command to specify a default
value for an arg variable. This default value will be used if the
argument wasn't passed from the command line (or button..load command):
Example: (script called "argtest.sel")
defarg arg1 "First arg not given"
defarg arg2 "Second arg not given"
text '[arg1]'
text '[arg2]'
Try it like this:
1 selector argtest.sel Passing arguments
2 selector argtest.sel
3 selector argtest.sel * *
4 selector argtest.sel * 'Only second arg given'
5 selector argtest.sel 'Only first arg given' *
6 selector argtest.sel 'Here to'
As you can see, passing "*" will give the default string. You must use
the "*" if you only want to pass the second argument (like in
case 4 above).
About arguments without default value
If you don't have a default value for an argument that not is passed, then
an empty string will be used.
Example: (script called "argtest2.sel")
text '[arg1]'
text '[arg2]'
Try it like this:
selector argtest2 Hello!
Also see the use of selector in shell scripts.
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