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 WindowSize  [pix | pixadd] <X> <Y>
 Sets the window size. X and Y are specified in buttons, and
 do not need to be whole buttons. For example:
 windowsize 3.4 2.7
 If you don't want to set X or Y, use a "*", for example:
 windowsize * 2.7   ;Sets rows to 2.7
 This command overrides the automation in opening windows
 of the right size. It also overrides any rows
 or columns commands.
 But this command is useful sometimes when you want a
 better control over the window size. This is often the case
 when making use of setpen, draw, changesize
 and area.
 To gain full control over the window size. Use both the
 windowsize command and the size command!
 The size command overrides the automation in determining
 the button size.
 size 16
 windowsize 2 2
 draw figure % 0 0 100 100
 setpen 0.5 0.5
 button Exit Exit
 Try it!
 [pix] (Added in 9.2)
 Specifies the window size in ordinary pixles. For example:
 windowsize pix 320 200
 [pixadd] (Added in 9.2)
 Still use the automation, but add a number of pixles to the size.
 Useful if you for example have a pattern that is more an image you
 know the size of than a "pattern". For example:
 windowsize pixadd 32 *
 setpen pix 32 *
 pattern 7 selectorbar.iff
 drawcol 7
 draw filledbox pix 0 0 32 -0
 button buttons
 button buttons
 button buttons
 button buttons
 button buttons
 button buttons
 Or if you like to have gap 0, but still some border outside:
 title off
 border off
 gap 0
 windowsize pixadd 8 8
 setpen pix 4 4
 drawcol black
 draw box pix 0 0 -0 -0
 drawcol white
 draw box pix 1 1 -1 -1

 button buttons
 button buttons
 button buttons

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