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Pattern <nr> <filename> | *none* [orDefault]
Replaces a background color with an IFF picture. <nr> is the number of the
color to be replaced and <filename> is the IFF picture. The <nr> must be
between 0 and 15.
If you for example do the following:
pattern 0 work:pics/graystone
pattern 3 work:pics/blue.iff
Then, next time you use 0 or 3 as a background color, the pattern will be
used instead.
if <orDefault> is specified, then nothing will happend if <filename>
not was found.
If you state "*none*" instead of the filename, any previously loaded
pattern (perhaps loaded in the settings file) will be unloaded.
Some patterns can be found in the "Selector/patterns" drawer. If their
names starts with a "4.", then they are made for the standard 4 color
workbench. And if a name starts with "8.", it's made for the Magic
Workbench color setup.
You probably know by now that selectors colors are virtual and looks about
the same on any screen. Well, this is not the case with patterns. They are
VERY screen dependent (like standard/MagicWB icons on WB). If you want to
make your own patterns, you must make sure that your pattern is MADE for
your workbench palette. A good way to do this is to "grab" your workbench
screen and use this picture and it's palette to draw your patterns. But as
said, the patterns included in this package are made for MagicWB.
If you are using more than 8 colors, you should use some utility to
lock the 4-7 colors, like Selector/tools/extras/MagicColors
If you don't, the colors of the patterns will look terrible.
You can radically change the apperance of your selector panels by
using the pattern command in ENV:selector.settings.
You can do this with the prefs script.
A pattern is not shown if the screen it is displayed in has less
colors than the pattern has. Then the virtual color that you
replaced with the pattern is shown instead. You can use the
ShowPatterns command to decide which screens the
patterns will be shown in. If you for example use
ShowPatterns MagicWB
...then the patterns will be displayed in all screens with a
magic workbench palette.
It's a good thing to replace the color that the most resembles
the pattern you replace it with. This to prevent your window to
look strange on a screen where the patterns not are
shown. You can also use the palette command
to adjust the virtual color that will be displayed instead
of the pattern in such a screen.
The <filename> is searched for in the following order:
1. "filename"
2. "ENV:patterns/filename"
3. "SEL:patterns/filename"
4. "SEL:filename"
If you use patterns a lot, and have the memory for it, you should place
your patterns in ENV:patterns/
But now, it's time for an example: (For Magic Workbench)
font Helvetica 24 ordefault
pattern 0 /patterns/8-6.Sarbo4
pattern 3 /patterns/8-3.Sarbo1
background 0
color dark
gap 4
text "Isn't this nice?"
color light 3
button "Yes, it is!" exit
Try It!
And here is one for standard 4 color WB:
font topaz 9 ordefault
pattern 0 /patterns/4-0.krull
pattern 15 /patterns/4-1.lines2
gap 2
background 0
color light 15
text "Isn't this"
text "nice?"
color *
button "Oh, yes..."
button "It's very"
color * 15
button "NICE!"
Try It!
You can use any IFF images (with as many or less colours than the screen),
and there is no name convention, but the included patterns are named according
to: A-B.name, where A is the number of colors in the picture and B is
the colour number that is a good choice to replace with this pattern.
For example 8-0.swan will only be displayed on 8- or more color screens
and it's a good idea to choose this pattern on position 0.
Also see: ShowPatterns KeepImages
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