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COLOR <foreground> [background] (or colour / foreground)
Sets the color of the following button, text and draw commands.
<foreground> and [background] can be several different things:
-> A virtual color number between 0 and 15. <-
This number represents a virtual color. The first 8 colors are as
default the MagicWB palette. (But this can be changed with the
palette command). For example, color 3 is always (by default)
the standard blue regardless of the screen selectors window will
be dispayed on. The color actually used is the color in the
screens palette that most resembles the virtual color.
BE AWARE! Two different colors that you can see on your screen,
may perfectly well be choosen as the same color on someone else's
system. Or on another differently colored screen of your own.
So make a habit of choosing foreground and background to
colors not very close to another.
color 1
text "This is written in color 1"
color 2 1
text "This is written in color 2 on a background of color 1"
-> A Background Pattern <-
You can replace a virtual color with a pattern image.
The pattern is only displayed as background. If you use it as
foreground, then it is still the virtual color that can be
changed with the palette command.
-> Light or Dark <-
Instead of color numbers, you can use "light" and "dark" for the
colors set by the darkcolor and lightcolor commands. Example:
color light
color 3 dark
-> * <-
You can also set a *-sign instead of any of the colors, to leave it
unchanged... For example:
color * 4 ;Sets the background color to 4, and nothing more
color 3 * ;Sets the foreground to 3, and nothing more...
color 3 ;Sets the foreground to 3, and the background to default
-> As a palette definition <-
Instead of a color number, you can use a 3-digit hexadecimal number,
where the first digit is the amout of red, second green and last blue.
This is much like the palette command.
The color that most resembles the color you describe is choosen.
For example:
Color FFF 000 ;White on black
Color F00 777 ;Red on gray
Color F65 910 ;Light Red on Brown
-> A color word <-
To make it a little bit simpler, I have put in some default values:
You can use these words instead of a color like this:
color yellow brown
color * dark_red
All these different ways of specifying colors (except for *)
can be used with all color commands:
color buttoncol textcol tempcol background lightcolor darkcolor
BUTTONCOL <foreground> [background]
Works in the same way as color, but it only sets the color for the
following buttons, not the text.
TEXTCOL <foreground> [background]
Works in the same way as color, but it only sets the color for the
following text, not the buttons.
TEMPCOL <foreground> [background]
Works in the same way as color, but only for the NEXT button,
text string or draw command in the script. After that, the colors
are restored to what they were before the tempcol command.
DRAWCOL <color>
Sets the color used by the draw command.
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