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	 [ EXEC <command> | RUN <command> | ScreenRun <screen> <cmd> 
	 | UPDATE | LOADUPDATE | LOAD <file> [arguments]             
	 | EXIT [<string>] | QUIT [<string>]                         
	 | DumpX <variable> | DumpY <variable>                       
	 | LastX <variable> | LastY <variable>                       
	 | LastXPos <variable> | LastYPos <variable>                 
	 | Popup | PopupClose                                        
	 | Setenv <variable> <value> | UnSetenv <variable> ]         
	 ( ['command 1' 'command 2' ... 'command n'] )               

 The LastX <variable> option saves the last X coordinate, where
 the user have clicked with the left mouse button, to the env variable
 specified. This is useful if used from the area command.
 The LastY <variable> option works in the same way as LastX.

 The LastXPos and LastYPos options works in the
 same way as LastX and LastY. But an integer is saved to the variable instead.
 This is useful to determin what button position the user pressed last.
 If for example LastX give 0.9734, then LastXPos will give 0, meaning
 the first X button position.
 Take a look at the SetPen example.

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