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Writing for compability
If you want to write a selector script that other people will use,
for example a GUI for your shell type program, or a starting panel
for your programs etc. Then you are welcome to do so. You can
include the executable file "selector" with your scripts and distribute
it in any way you like. But when you write scripts that other people
will use, you must think of some important things.
First, even if you include the latest version of selector with your
scripts, the user may still have an old version of selector resident
in memory, and then some of the commands you are using may not be
present in this old version. To prevent this from happening, just
use the version command, and the user will be aware of the problem.
Second, the user may have a settings file. If he has,
then your script will not look the same on his computer. If he for
example has choosen his default colors and patterns stupidly, then
the text of your window could be hidden. There are three ways of
preventing this from happening:
1. Don't change the colors! We must assume that the users own settings
looks nice on his own system. So if we don't change the colors, then
the default button and text color set by the user is used. If you
want to change the color to emphasize something, then you can do this
without really changing the colors by using the tempcol command.
And if you do this, then set both back and foreground color, as you
don't know what background the user is using. Don't use color numbers
0-15. The user may have changed these with the palette command, or
replaced them with patterns. Use direct colors. For example:
tempcol yellow black
text "Really important!"
2. The second way is to use the settings command to disable the settings!
If you rather wish, you can set the settings file to a file provided
with your scripts.
3. Choose the commands carefully and allways start with a background
and a color command (Right after the version command.)
Don't use color numbers 0-15. The user may have changed these with
the palette command, or replaced them with patterns.
Use direct color definitions instead. Here is an example:
Version 9.0
background gray
color black
text "Hello!"
color FA4 black
text "Hello!"
Be sure to use these first three commands first in your script.
This is in most cases sufficient for your window to look about
the same.
But if you want your window to look exactly the same, then it's
better to use the settings command, else you have to put in all
commands that the user may have changed in his settings file,
like gap or font.
Third, don't use colors to close to another. If you for example
do this:
color light_green dark_green
text "Hello!"
Then the user may not see the text. I can't see it on my workbench
as I only have one green color in my palette! So, be careful and
test your window on many different screens in your system. Useful
tip: Most people has black, white and gray in their systems!
Use Topaz 8 or 9 as the user may not have any other fonts. And if
you want to use another font anyway, then use the orDefault option.
Then it doesn't matter if the font doesn't exist.
If you want to use patterns... DON'T! The user may
not have the same workbench palette as you do!
If you want to use patterns anyway: Only use MagicWB patterns. Include
the patterns with yor script, use the ShowPatterns MagicWB
command and use the orDefault option with the pattern command.
Ok, now you know the problems of writing for compability. To test your
window some, you can open your window on different screens in your own
system, to check if the color look right. When you do this, you can put
in a:
Screen Jump
command in your script, and then the window will jump from screen to screen.
Just don't forget to remove it again. :-)
When you are writing a script for your own system, it is not a good idea
to follow these guidelines! Then you can't use the prefs script to
change the appearance of your selector windows.
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